Saturday, May 14, 2011

Llena de Amor

Llena de Amor. Llena de Amor telenovela, the synopsis will Telenovela News convey here, is an interesting telenovela. A combination of suspense, comedy and sadness, will make you not bored to follow. Principal stories from Llena de Amor telenovela is, tells about a girl who is overweight, the girl named Marianela. After his mother died, she lived with her aunt who named Fedra. Her aunt did not like Marianela, so many unpleasant events experienced by Marianela.

Over the past eight years, Marianela lived in a boarding school far from her mother, her mother named Eva. Because far from her mother for a very long time, making Marianela very lonely, though still light radiated happiness on her face. To prevent depression due to loneliness that happened, he ate chocolate, and it lasts for years. As a result he is overweight, obese. In fact, once she was a girl who was sweet, funny and very smart.

Loneliness for years there is finally Marianela experienced as well, namely at the high school graduation day. He had the opportunity to meet with his mother, who apologized, because the old do not see him, and promised to always be together. However, never the slightest imagined by Marianela, that he would split with her mother for good. Her mother suffered a terrible accident, and died under mysterious circumstances.

Forced by circumstances, Marianela then lived with his aunt, Fedra and Kristel, his cousin. But unfortunately, it turns out her aunt an evil woman, who always hated Eva, his mother Marianela. During his stay with his aunt and cousin, Marianela experienced much suffering, and excess weight, has always been a target of their mockery. It happened because, aunt hatred toward her mother, continued against him.

In the past, Marianela have a friend who is close to, and be trusted. His friend, fell in love with him, and give a nickname to Marianela, my lovely fat. So, to treat the suffering that happened, he decided to reconnect with his friend, whose name was Emanuel, a handsome publisher.

In addition, Marianela even try to turn away from the aunt and cousin who always insult him, by asking for protection to his mother's sister, Netty. Netty is a retired actress who is kind, so people really respect him. Marianela too much receive the advice and guidance from Netty, especially to overcome all hurdles and obstacles in his life.

However, Marianela suffering is not over, is now trying to membunuhya Fedra, as well as defamatory Emanuel as the killer. Fedra tried to kill Marianela, with some chocolate poisoning Marianela. However Fedra failed, Marianela was rescued. Only, Marianela already believe, that Emanuel was the one who tried to kill him. So Marianela determined for revenge against Emanuel, also against those who had made him suffer. To achieve that intention, Marianela trying to transform themselves to lose weight. Marianela any physical change, so that others will not recognize it.

Similarly Llena de Amor telenovela synopsis of Telenovela News, thank you.


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